"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage;
do not be afraid, nor be dismayed,
for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go."
Joshua 1:9

Monday, February 14

What I got my mom for Valentines

Well, I was trying to figure out what to get my mom for Valentines. It was quite difficult, because the only time I could go shopping was when mom was with me, so I had to hide it from her.
Anyways, I got her a mug with a stuffed animal inside of it. She knew that I had something for her so she did not look. It turned out ok, but when we got home (with my brother (carrot top)) carrot top wanted it, well he wanted the stuffed animal. And so he graped it out of the trunk, and the mug fell on the ice. I picked it up and it turned out that the mug did not have a scratch on it.
I gave it to mom when we got in the house, and she liked it!

Sunday, February 13

Best video for Valentines!

What a good video for Valentines.

Taylor Swift, Picture To Burn

ELO, Don't Bring Me Down